Speaker cables comparison chart:: Much Needed

One of the problems in finding speaker cables for a system,is trying to determine first, what manufacturer model lines are approx equivalent in price, performance, and compatibility with speakers. For example, a friend hardily recommends Transparent Audio's Music Link Super, or one step down, Music Link. Nordost offers a similar model line up in their new LS series: Purple Flair, Blue Heaven, and Red Dawn....pricing is almost similar. Last is Kimber Kable speaker cable which offers a 4TC, 8TC, 12TC. Unlike the Red Dawn, the 12TC is much less expensive and equivalent in price to Nordost's Blue Heaven. KK's 8TC, Nordost's Purple Flair and Transparent Music Link are approx in the same price category.

The issue is which model of these brands provides the most bang for the buck, that is, transparency, musicality, and smoothness, and most importantly speaker compatibility. The Cable Company is not a viable outlet to evaluate these products Sometimes, they have neither the correct lenghts or terminations, nor model availablilty. Also,return shipping from Hawaii back to them is not cheap

Therefore, will appreciate comments and advice from members who have done a lot of speaker cable evaluation. Thank you
I've probably had 20 or so pairs of commercially available speaker cables in my system, priced from $85 to well over $1000, all broken in, and of many different geometries.

At their best, when they have not been recently been bent and moved and the ac is clean, the Golden Helix is the most vivid, percussive, dynamic and having the best bass heft, punch and clarity of any of them. My favorite speakers (that I own) are the Soliloquy 5.0's and though the woofers are only 5.25", they regularly pressurize my room and drop into the 30's (based on a stereophile test cd).
With these cables in, my system is also quite sensitive to other things that are changed.
They do tend toward brightness so some of your rocordings may not work and they may not play nicely with all other cables or components.
Sabai, No need to qualify your opinion, stirring up the pot is one of the functions of the discussion forum So stir with gusto!!!

To Ssglx, Thanks for the follow and brief description of the Mapleshade's Golden Helix speaker cable; I think I might go for "Plus' version of the GH which is only $70 more. My system tends toward brightness so anything that will reduce or cancel any edge will be welcomed.

BTW, you did comment on the GH cable's musicality factor which is possibly the most important aspect of speaker cables which has such a direct effect on the sound. Of course there is the X factor, the speaker cables's synergy with not only other system cables, but the components in the system. Thanks Jim
amp, speaker and cable is the issue here. a given cable may have different effects when amp and speaker vary, so the project proposed is impractical. there are too many variables.
Sunnyjim, I also have run Mapleshade Double Helix plus with my Soliloquy 6.3i speakers, and as Ssglx says, it's a terrific combination. A word of warning though, if you are looking for additional sweetness, warmth or musicality, then I would not recommend the Mapleshade. They are very revealing and transparent, so they work well with warm, musical speakers like Soliloquy's. If your speakers are transparent and revealing and you are looking for cables to smooth out the sound, you are best to look in another direction.
Thanks -- I do this as a matter of course now for those who do not like to hear my opinions. When I put IMO, IMHO or in my system, the LOL and BS meter people stay away more often. This makes for a less argumentative discussion.

Have you tried HiDiamond? They are in an other league -- in my system.