"Splitter" used for Monoblock Operation?

This may be a stupid question, but here goes anyway.

Being completely new to the "High-er End Audio" this is all a little overwhelming, not to mention expensive. Nonetheless, fun and challenging.

I am trying to cable components that were recently purchased, in fact, they are still in boxes. Here is the equipment list:

Pre-amplifier - BAT (Balanced Audio Technologies) VK-52SE
(Which is a balanced tube preamp)

Monoblock Amplifiers - Spectron Musician III Mk 2
(with all available upgrades)

Speakers - Gallo Ref 3.5's

Interconnects -
From what I have read thus far, the best recommendation for connection between the preamp and the amplifiers is to use a balanced cable, since the preamp is balanced. Also, the preferred method of connection is to utilize the XLR connection instead of the RCA connection.

Does the "Audiogon" family agree with this? If not, Why not?

Either way, for a monoblock configuration a "splitter" must be utilized at each amplifier. While looking for cables here in the "Buy" section of Audiogon a search for "Splitter" comes up empty. This is a little confusing. Numerous cables, no "Splitters". Am I using the wrong search term?

Do most of the cable manufacturers make splitters for their cables or should I be looking for one from a different manufacturer?

Lastly, I would also like to hear any comments regarding speaker wire recommendations that would work well with this equipment.

Go balanced. I don't understand why you need a Y splitter cable. Please explain in detail.
Onhwy61, they're needed to convert the two stereo amps to monoblock operation. See "Part III" on this page.

Best regards,
-- Al
Zephyr and Al,

Thanks for the info.

As far as manufacturer I haven't decided and have no preferences. I would like find something that will be up to the task for the equipment involved, but not thinking to go too expensive at this point as I can always upgrade later.

I am looking in the preowned market in order to get the best cable for the money. For the XLR pair $300 to $700 would probably work for now. Any suggestions? Purist Audio? Others?

The BAT 52 should have 2 sets of balanced outputs. Unless you need the outputs for something else, I would just use those. Doing that will eliminate the need for the splitter. Also, since both of your components are fully balanced, you need to make sure that the cables you buy are fully balanced, as well. The only reason I thought to mention this is that Synergistic was brought up in another post. I know that not all of their cables are balanced even though you can get them with XLR connectors. Its easy to overlook.