Cable Recommendations

My system is comprised of McIntosh 2301 amps and Sonus Faber Stradivari speakers. My other equipment is McIntosh C1000 c/t/p preamp, McIntosh MCD1100 CD/DAC, Avid Volvere TT and a McIntosh MEN220 room correction system (the best money I've ever spent....but that's another topic).

I do not have any decent cables as I literally have spent most on my system and then wanted to finish my room treatments first. Now that I've finished that, I am starting my cable venture (speaker, IC, PC). At present, my budget doesn't allow me to spend much more than about $5,000 for everything.

I would like to get some recommendations. WireWorld? Morrow? Audio Art? Other? Sorry, but I'm just not going to spend $20,000 no a pair of speaker cables. I'm looking for screaming good value to start out with.

Mike, I have a similar setup, Mc c1000, Mc 1.2k, and just sold Mcd 1100. I did like you're doing and saved the cables till last. You have a million choices and will likely get just as many recommendations. I'm not a dealer or a schill but in MY system the Audioquest cables sounded so good I stopped looking. FWIW my goal has always been no coloration, no filtration, and lower noise floor. My first AQ set of cables were the Oak SC, Colorado IC, and NRG 10 PC. These were quiet, revealing, uncolored, and reasonably priced. My amps are direct to the wall and the pre/cdp are through a Hydra 4. Through the Hydra 4 I can hear little or no difference between stock and big $$ PCs. Good Luck! Ed
Don't have your equipment but you might want to check into
Clear Day Cable SCs ; Silnote Audio ICs; Audio Art PCs - all very musical
Thanks guy. Rob at Audio Art has been great to deal with. I like these suggestions. Keep them coming!
Never owned your equipment but I'll suggest cabling on my system. Started with a bloom of Acoustic Zen.(Krakatoa PC, Silver Ref IC's and Satori shotgun SPC)
As in this hobby your always looking to upgrade, so after reading countless positive reviews on Nordost cables I took the plunge. Boy, I'm glad I did. Sold off all my AZ cables and now have a complete system with all Nordost Norse series cables. Just my 2 cents.
Mogami 2549 unbalanced RCA or Mogami 2534 balanced from Pro Audio LA. Great cables that made me stop the cable dance. You can pick your connectors and get whatever length you need. Not affiliated with the company...