Slow Down, You Move too Fast

Hello Again,

It's been a while and nice to be creeping back in to the game!

My system has sat pretty still for a while and some recent changes have made it a bit lean and quick. The most recent culprit are MG Audio planus III speaker wire. Amazing detail and extension. And fast. A bit too fast for my system: I initially loved them, and still really appreciate their attributes, but these old dog's ears got tired.

So, I am looking to slow things down into a more of a comfy zone.
I am thinking of new speaker cable and perhaps a set of interconnects and could use some insights...

The speaker cables that look good to me are:
-Tara Labs, the One or Two +/-EX
-Purist Audio Venusta
-Kubala Sosna Emotion

The Interconnects are the same-ish. I try one instead of one of my Gabriel Gold Infusions:
-Tara Labs, the One or Two +/-EX
-Purist Audio Venusta
-Jade Audio Hybrid Gold

Is that too much for one thread?

Looking forward to batting it about.

Enjoy the tunes!

And, thanks.
Have you considered taking the brass cones out from under some of your components? Aftermarket footers are not necessarily an improvement. It seems to me people have gotten so conditioned to believing that they must replace the stock footers, which is not always true. If your sound is muddy, brass footers can sometimes lean out the sound, but you seem to have the opposite problem.

I will be selling off most of my second system and the cables are Grover Huffman Zx purchased new by me last summer. I have interconnects and speaker cables. If your interested email me and maybe we can work something out.

@Chayro-You are likely right on that point (pun intendend). I have brass under my plynths, but only under my AMR CD as footers. The Klyne pre has MIGs and the Plinius has Waipuna myrtlewood. While all those have influence, it pales to cabling....BUT, I did spend a lot of time tuning in those things to another cable set up!
I know of Grover Huffman's line and blog, but haven't listened to or read much on either. Any comparison cables you can offer?
Well, I heard back from the folks at Tara and they recommended the 2. Might have saved me some dough, but oddly enough, after doing some more reading I though the 1 sound like the...well, the one!
Kubala still looks awfully good. The Purist SC's? Hard to say.....