Tony Bennett & Lady Gaga?...Gag Me?

Actually, this duet works incredibly well on their recent album "Cheek To Cheek". I'm not a fan of Lady Gaga and really think she's weird. Her music is weird, her persona is weird, she's just weird.

However, WOW does she have a fantastic voice! I've never even listened to any of her stuff because, well she's weird, but with Tony as a singing partner, she's great.

This album is recorded very well. Nice deep and wide soundstage and the imaging is excellent. The voices are a little forward for my taste, but still overall, well done.

Tony Bennett was one of my parent's favorite singers and I, of course, have heard him many times. He's not what I would usually listen to, but this album has become one of my favorites.

Well worth a listen and highly recommended!
Katy perry and Miley Cyrus are eating lady gaga's lunch these days in pop circles. So I suppose that means she needs some help finding a new identity. Teaming up with a well liked legend should help. Plus the young'uns get exposure to a classy legend. A symbiotic teaming for sure I would say. 👍👍
****If it were not for good engineering they especially Bennett would be washing dishes. ****

It's comments like this that make me wonder what universe some live in. Tony Bennett, as Schubert and others have pointed out, in spite of not being anywhere near his prime has what the vast majority of singers today lack: class and the ability to project joy of singing with respect for the audience; not as if he is doing the audience a favor which is what many other singers project. He is the kind of performer that even if he had no singing voice left at all would still be able to get the message of the song across.
"I have a hunch that his reason for the recordings he does now is to help others"

That is a terrific insight Schubert. I mean I would never have thought of that but now that you mention it, it makes perfect sense. Take Stephanie for instance, he more than likely sees something in her that transcends her "Gaga" image to some but certainly not her "little monsters". As Schubert noted which is telling "Gaga said to Tony jokingly , "I'know I'm just a tramp" , Tony shot back "I KNOW you're a lady playing the role of a tramp". He sees the Stephanie side, the other side of the "weird" to some persona she projects. The love that this man has for others is just this joy and hope that can't but help make you smile everytime you see or listen to him sing. Yes, his voice is pretty well gone but the love projected is the message. Long live Tony Bennett!
Frogman and Tubegroover, both your posts brought tears to my eyes, and not in a poetic sense.