Classic rock: best remasters

For rock fans just curious what remasters, recent or otherwise, were a quantum leap over the original vinyl or compact disc release. On the flip side, any original CD releases that are still competitive? Not interested in imports, SACD, etc. Thanks rockers!
it's the overall undeniable conclusion one scan easily see in the data - that the life has been slowly squeezed out of the music going back to at least twenty years ago.

Yes, all recordings today are using more compression when mastering, but there are two subsets of the remasters being released. All of the Pop/Rock/Hip-Hop are going to be measured way into the Red (bad) area of the DR Scale. That's the result of the Loudness Wars.

The 2nd Group of remasters is what the OP asked about; are there better quality CDs/vinyl than the original releases?
The originals will most likely measure in the Green area (Good); but do they sound good? They might have more dynamic range, but original CD SQ sucked (since we are talking about Rock music).

It's only in recent years, the remaster SQ has increased, partly due to new vinyl, also due to the premium Artists knowing they have the tools to release a better product to their fans.
These recordings will also have more compression than the early releases, but they will still not measure as Bad.

As I stated earlier, the studio remix can open up the sound and make it sound dynamic. These albums are in the minority, and great care is taken during the mastering process. Notice that the Mastering Engineer's name is now prominently written into the credits.
On Zep releases early...agree they sound very good...I feel the debut is the most improved...and IV...shall see with upcoming P.Graffiti vinyl copy always impresses me...makes me happy happy! Zep rules!
on new zep releases it seems that sound has been re-processed. still they're not as good as first issue RL sterling ones.

No objections to what anyone looks for in their recordings.

Yes, you are right they give the min, max and mean as I recall. Those are meaningful standard statistics but it cannot be argued that they only tell a very small part of the story and that there is more to what makes a recording enjoyable or not than its overall dynamic range.

For example, it tells you nothing about what to expect in terms of frequency range, transients and detail, just a few of teh other things in the recipe for a good recording.

Czarivey...As much as i'm enjoying the LZ's, lower noise,
better imaging, there is something i notice as well; the
album doesn't sound as organic as original.