Classic rock: best remasters

For rock fans just curious what remasters, recent or otherwise, were a quantum leap over the original vinyl or compact disc release. On the flip side, any original CD releases that are still competitive? Not interested in imports, SACD, etc. Thanks rockers!
I have the machine head anniversary ed that the bassist did...including a remix version... Sounds good 2 me...I have orig UK vinyl...never heard WB domestic...tho some like it.
I have the machine head anniversary ed that the bassist did...including a remix version... Sounds good 2 me...I have orig UK vinyl...never heard WB domestic...tho some like it.

That's the one. Both the original WB
CD *and* the original WB (green-label) LP are anemic.
I used to have the CD and now I have the LP thinking
that it was so much better than the WB CD. It's not.
Hold on to that UK LP, it's worth some good coin
now, and will probably go up in value.
Nevertheless, that's the best sounding
copy of 'Machine Head,' LP or CD.

I will concur on The Doors, especially in SACD format. Add the Van Halen remasters as well. In a few weeks I will take possession of the newest Beatles SHM-CDs and am stoked!

Happy Listening!
Already have the Doors remaster.The Talking heads as well sound nice. I'm pretty content with Beatles mono releases from 2009...can't justify paying a premium for essentially the same thing. Although if it was XRCd I might bite.