Copper®Harmony RCA Plug - a new breed

I was contacted by KLE Innovations recently to review their entry level RCA connector (plug).

I have no idea why - Maybe due to a blog that I maintain?

Anyhow - I was a little skeptical that the Copper Harmony RCA Plug could significantly better my existing Silver Bullet RCA's, since they share (i.e. visually) very similar design principals.

So I set about planning a testing strategy based on about 30 tracks that, over the years, I have used for auditioning various audio components, who's purchase I was considering.

Well, I didn't even have to wait for the Copper Harmony RCA Plug to burn-in to realize they are something extremely special.

Anyhow - to cut to the chase - the Copper Harmony RCA Plug delivers an exceptional performance which improved upon details, dynamics, imaging, etc... of the Silver Bullet RCA's that I own.

Now, I have not compared the Copper Harmony RCA Plug directly to RCA's that conform to a more "conventional" RCA design, mainly because my Silver Bullet RCA's had already demonstrated their superiority.

So - the Copper®Harmony RCA Plug resolves to a very high level of performance and it is very very quick - perfect for just about any duty in the realm of audio - including their use on digital cables!

Because of their ability to allow the flow of extremely small "micro details" in an audio signal, I believe they would also be ideally suited for use on those turntables that employ a one piece wiring harness - especially when using moving coil cart's.

So if you are interested in the complete review please go to

If you would like more information from KLE Innovations then use the following

o Website – (nearly ready)

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Please note - I have no affiliation with KLE Innovations and was not paid to participate in the review.

I am just very impressed with what I consider to be a stellar product and feel it would be beneficial to share my experience with the members.

Happy New Years everyone.

After having the new Furutech 126g / Mogami 2549 in my system for almost a week now with all sources on, I've decided these are a better fit for my system

I think the KLEI Copper Harmony RCAs with the Mogami 2549 are too refined for my system and would be perfect for the many posts here that ask for a RCA / IC to warm up their system without loss of imaging and soundstage. So, they are for sale. $125 each - I have 4 three foot sets and 2 four foot sets. PM me if you are interested.
Yes, too refined. Just like when I tried the Tekton mini lores with the latest drivers. Even with custom metal outriggers, the mini lores were too refined. I went back to my punchy midrange Tekton 6.5t monitors. The KLEI Copper Harmony has many good traits, and many people enjoy a really refined sound, but I lost some of the punchy characteristic that I like. It sounds more musical and lifelike to me.
Sb, - I think I may have observed something similar....

On a couple of Police tracks it did seem as though the bass drum was quieter, until I realized that the image had deepened considerably and the bass drum was now further towards the rear of the image with the rest of the drum kit and as such not as loud as before, but the dynamics were still crisp.

On Eric Clapton's Unplugged album there was always quite a loud thumping of his foot on the stage. But as I moved up through the Harmony line this became much less annoying and is now in the background, but the overall bass performance improved and is now much tighter, so I figure it's now where the engineer intended it to be - it sounds more natural.

So as a result of the effect these RCA's seem to have on the image, I now listen in 3D - by that I mean that whenever I observe a change that seems a little "alien" to what my ears are accustomed too, I focus on the image to determine if the changes I am hearing are due to a change in an instrument's placement within the image.

I'll let my six custom (and nicely built) Mogami 2549 / KLEI Copper Harmony cables go for $600 + shipping and PayPal fees if anyone is interested. These cables do a lot of things right. Unfortunately, they did not match my system / room.