KLEI Absolute®Harmony Phono/RCA Plugs

KLEI have just released their new KLEI Absolute®Harmony Phono/RCA Plugs ... http://kleinnovations.com/kle-innovations-klei-products/harmony-plug/klei-absoluteharmony-phonorca-plug/

Sound: Exceptional Resolution, Extremely tight non-bloated deep/detailed/resolving Bass, Extremely articulate presentation, Conveys subtle nuances with amazing dexterity, Stage is spacious and envelopes the listener, Allows the full emotion of the music to be experienced, Superb dynamics and an excellent micro detail presentation, Displays delicate upper mid and high frequency detail/resolution and harmonic texture with precision and emotion, Delivers music with extremely low noise/distortion in a Warm Musical and Involving manner from an very very Black/Quiet Background.

Our testing, and reports received, show that the KLEI Absolute®Harmony when compared to the KLEI Pure®Harmony is Simply even Faster, even Quieter/Noiseless/Blacker Background, and more transparent, and has noticeably better PRAT, Decay, Timbre and Texture, Edge Control and Extension, Resolution, and Stage.

A member has asked where did I purchase from and what is my location.

First - I am in the Toronto region.

For RCA's there are a few companies in the US that sells them - they can be found on the KLEI web site.

I know Parts Connexion sells the RCA's also. They might also be able to get the cables, but it might take a little longer.

I purchased all of my RCA's and cables directly from KLE Innovations.

Shipping is generally via the various postal services and can take up to 12-14 days. If you want to shorten that time to around 5 days KLE may be able to ship via DHL, but that will cost extra and you will have to request that by contacting KLE Innovations first

I hope that covers everything.
OK - so 8 days on from my last post - I've had the gZero10's on a 24 hour burn-in process - so in total they've had around 240 ish hours

At about 200 hours I started to notice a significant improvement across the board.
- extended bass (very deep and cntrolled - not bloated)
- significant increase in details and clarity
- faster dynamics
- much deeper image - more life like presentation
- a much warmer presentation
- high frequencies are also much smoother without loosing details.

The above observations are not a comparison to the gZero6 - they are my current findings compared to what the gZero10's first sounded like.

Today I switched them over to my analogue rig and found out just how good these cables are :-)

The Absolute Harmony are also showing signs of similar improvements, but on my DIY IC's I don't think they will attain the same level of performance of the gZero10's.

These are two stellar products that probably perform way beyond the resolution capability of my modest system.

Giant Killers? - YOU BET YOUR DONKEY!

Give them a try - they are excellent!!!
Williewonka, the Absolute Harmony RCAs and the gZero10s sound pretty amazing! Is that how you are finding them :)
Yping the gZero10s obviously provide the better performance, since my own DIY IC's are not quote as good. But yes, they are both excellent performers and bring the very best out of a system.

Yes they are a bit pricey, but if you are chasing the elusive nirvana, then these should get you within a couple of feet of the gates and on the right components (or cables in the case of the Absolute Harmony) they will probably blast you right through the gates to centre stage :-)

There aren't any albums I've listened to today that did not sound exceptional - even my original Beatles White Album sounds as though it has been completely re-mastered - amazing.

Very neutral sounding with superb details

I plan on posting a full review on the Cables forum next week

Williewonka, wow, sounds like they transport you right through the Pearly Gates to Heaven :)

Would you say the 10s are as good, or better than, more expensive ICs that you have had in your system or other systems?

Have you compared the Absolute Harmony RCAs to other RCAs or even the Pure Harmony RCAs? Are they better, much better, from your experience...