Opinions on Muse 3 premp wanted

I have listen the Muse 3 pramp with seppower supply and I think its great.Any opinions? Which other pramp should I try to listen at in the same price range 2600$? BAT VK3i? My pwer amp is Pass Aleph 5.
Yes I finaly bougth the MUSE preamp and its absolutly first class sound together with the Pass amp.I have now for the first time an all balanced system (Micromec Dac+Drive) and I think this also contribut to the great sound.
Not surprised you're so pleased with your choice of a MUSE THREE PREAMP. You're comments go along with those I saw on various Muse product on www.audioreview.com., maybe you'll want to add your comments to it as well. Just saw a used MUSE THREE come up on Audiogon Auction if anyone else is looking as well.
While this is not a direct response to this message thread, I am none-the-less curious as to the identity of "2496kh". This sites concept of allowing anonymity gives me some concern. Any who might know me, might conclude that 2496kh is myself. It is not. If this is just a absurd coincidence, then please accept my apologies. Kevin Halverson kevin@museelectronics.com