Linn questions for novice.

First of all thanks for a great site! I want to buy a used Linn system, but have some questions. I was thinking of purchasing it all used, right here on My understanding of Linn is that all components sound the best if they are Linn. That limits me a little when it comes to for example to speakers. I was thinking of a Majik w/kudos tuner module ($650), a Mimik ($500-600) with a pair of Tucans ($ ? ) This would probably serve me OK, but what about the Keldich (sp?) speakers? ($1,000) I was also thinking, by recommendations from my local Linn dealer, to go with a Genki and a LK 85. Comments? Thank you very much!
I don't know, if it is good or bad, to have "neutral" system? I find, majority "normal" recordings, to sound "mediocr" at best. I realised that when i bought Karik cd player, that some CD's sound better than other's. I find small, acoustic orchestar, chamber and guitar to sound the best. And large symphonies, even "audiophile" recordings, not so "hot". Linn is definitely on "neutral" side, and is very sensitive to what quality of recording is fed. I rate "audioquest" most appealing, and MFSL differ from Cd to CD. Well...this is another subject...sorry.
I personally feel you can't go too far wrong with LINN gear. I have a Majik/LK100 Combo with K4 speaker wire and LINN interconnects. They work great with my Rotel CD player, although I would like to upgrade to LINN player too. I do not use LINN speakers though. I listened to to them and was not wild about them. Is there anyone else out there who loves LINN gear but not their speakers? I have ProAc One SCs and absolutely love them. I have heard that LINN speakers really only sound right when Aktiv and then they are awesome. What do you all think about LK100 vs. other amps in general and the newer LK series? I have heard some awful reviews on LK100 on web but it sounds so good on my ProAcs that it makes you want to cry. What is up with that? It easily sounds as good or better than a Majik and everyone raves about it!?
Good choice for buying Linn equipment used. Their stuff new is insanely overpriced for the sound you get. I used to own all Linn equipment and have sold all of it. It was very hard to sell for a fair price. I would advise you to listen to something else although the Linn cd12 is the best player under $100'000
If your "hobby" is buying and selling HI-FI gear every 6 months, than you are right SNOOOK! But if you are actualy buying for pleasure of listening music, than you should buy the product that you can personaly audition and, of course afford.
I have a new pair of tucans and the tweeters are different than the older models.