Is DEQX a game changer?

Just read a bit and it sure sounds interesting. Does it sound like the best way to upgrade speakers?
Thanks BIF. It's great to here some detail ;) and that the experts there are of real value. What were the areas of improvement?
Ptss ... better imaging and sound stage. More pleasing presentation from a tonal perspective ... meaning less harsh sounding. Basically, Larry spent a little more time smoothing out FR kinks from room effects. He didn't touch the original time alignment adjustments.

I cannot overstate how significant room effects can be. IMO, spending a fortune on speakers will not solve problems caused by a lousy room.

Again ... I want emphasize. Larry did not adjust my speakers to be ruler flat. He further refined the "Taming of the Shrew," which is my speakers and room. Perfect -- No! Better -- Yes!!
Very glad Larry was able to improve things Bruce. With DEQX in circuit, even slight changes in positioning or speaker angles can have an impact, especially noticeable when you re-run a room measurement, adjust time alignment and listen to music

I noticed from the files you sent me that Larry appears to align the sub with the first impulse peak of the main speakers (step response measurements). Although many people time-align this way and it is easier to calculate, I find the result is more realistic sounding when aligning subs to the first impulse rise rather than the peaks. I believe this is also generally held to be more correct (ie Green Mountain and others)
Bifwynne: ...He didn't touch the original time alignment adjustments...

Bruce: Your previous post said you moved the couch so this will have changed the relative positions of speakers/subs and therefore alignment to some degree (we are talking milliseconds so any rearrangement will have affected this)
Andrew (Drewan77) ... I get you point. But, Larry does this for a living and no doubt has volumes of anecdotal experiences upon which to base his judgments.

Perhaps, just for laugh and giggles, you and I can try to recheck the time alignment measurements of my speakers. We both may find it to be an interesting exercise. I don't want to mess with Larry's room EQ work though.

So far, I think the biggest bang for the buck lies with room EQ. That is what has the greatest impact on imaging and soundstage and tonal presentation.

I concede that time alignment makes for purer, more "honest" tonal reproduction, but nothing messes up what comes out of the speakers more than a screwed up FR, further twisted by room effect. IMHO.