Is DEQX a game changer?

Just read a bit and it sure sounds interesting. Does it sound like the best way to upgrade speakers?
Ptss ... better imaging and sound stage. More pleasing presentation from a tonal perspective ... meaning less harsh sounding. Basically, Larry spent a little more time smoothing out FR kinks from room effects. He didn't touch the original time alignment adjustments.

I cannot overstate how significant room effects can be. IMO, spending a fortune on speakers will not solve problems caused by a lousy room.

Again ... I want emphasize. Larry did not adjust my speakers to be ruler flat. He further refined the "Taming of the Shrew," which is my speakers and room. Perfect -- No! Better -- Yes!!
Very glad Larry was able to improve things Bruce. With DEQX in circuit, even slight changes in positioning or speaker angles can have an impact, especially noticeable when you re-run a room measurement, adjust time alignment and listen to music

I noticed from the files you sent me that Larry appears to align the sub with the first impulse peak of the main speakers (step response measurements). Although many people time-align this way and it is easier to calculate, I find the result is more realistic sounding when aligning subs to the first impulse rise rather than the peaks. I believe this is also generally held to be more correct (ie Green Mountain and others)
Bifwynne: ...He didn't touch the original time alignment adjustments...

Bruce: Your previous post said you moved the couch so this will have changed the relative positions of speakers/subs and therefore alignment to some degree (we are talking milliseconds so any rearrangement will have affected this)
Andrew (Drewan77) ... I get you point. But, Larry does this for a living and no doubt has volumes of anecdotal experiences upon which to base his judgments.

Perhaps, just for laugh and giggles, you and I can try to recheck the time alignment measurements of my speakers. We both may find it to be an interesting exercise. I don't want to mess with Larry's room EQ work though.

So far, I think the biggest bang for the buck lies with room EQ. That is what has the greatest impact on imaging and soundstage and tonal presentation.

I concede that time alignment makes for purer, more "honest" tonal reproduction, but nothing messes up what comes out of the speakers more than a screwed up FR, further twisted by room effect. IMHO.
Bruce, I agree with you. Time alignment and room eq can be adjusted independently - whenever I have moved the listening seat slightly, it had an impact on the timing but very little on the eq and I have hardly ever changed that. If your sub sounds like it integrates perfectly and bass is natural - that is what really matters

The working DEQX file can have the time alignment tweaked (via the configurator) but eq is adjusted via the control panel and only affects the configuration if it is 'saved to DEQX' and then the original file is saved again. That's one of the features of this software, you can play about endlessly if you want and return to any previously saved version