Is DEQX a game changer?

Just read a bit and it sure sounds interesting. Does it sound like the best way to upgrade speakers?
Roscoe ... sorry but your response is not adequate. Tech experts like Al (Almarg) need more specific data. Please elaborate on your reactions. LOL ;-)

Are you giving any thought about asking Larry, the DEXPert, to help you fine tune the set up? Larry and I did two set up sessions and it made a real difference.

And yes, drop the $25 bucks and buy a mic stand.
Glad to hear you are making good progress Roscoeiii

Do you have the means to do measurements outdoors once you acquire a microphone stand? This will result in the purest initial calibration which every subsequent adjustment will be based on

Worth it if you can do it, believe me
Will work on more detailed impressions, and getting a mic stand.

With this weather and snow, no hope of getting speakers outside.

Haven't reached out to Drewan77 or Larry until I get better sorted out over here. Just haven't had much time to do that lately.