Is DEQX a game changer?

Just read a bit and it sure sounds interesting. Does it sound like the best way to upgrade speakers?
Will work on more detailed impressions, and getting a mic stand.

With this weather and snow, no hope of getting speakers outside.

Haven't reached out to Drewan77 or Larry until I get better sorted out over here. Just haven't had much time to do that lately.
Yes I admit I am very fussy, maybe it's just the way I am. Most of my life I would buy some new gear, love the sound for a while, then start to notice some other shortcoming, upgrade, buy or adjust something else, try to convince myself it was improved and then the whole thing would start over again.

Why? Well, partly because I listen to a lot of live music, often several times a week & I am a perfectionist wanting to replicate that as closely as possible

I guess the fact that I no longer find reason to tweak anything, no longer think about the system & just enjoy the music means adding DEQX may have finally cured me!
Fabulous Drewan. Many happy returns. Sounds like a big tech leap that truly is effective. Your comments indicate it has been a game changer for you-- and for who better than a live music listener? I look forward to when I'm able to invest in one.