HI all-
replacing my current hitachi ultravision with a 53" high def TV and looking for recommendations. budget about $5k but could go a little more if needed. no real space for front projection (narrow type room and recessed space for TV - no screen), so going with RPTV. Ideas? Thanks!
I think the Pioneer Elite is still considered the best, although the Platinum series Mistubishi is close. There is someone here on AudiogoN usually selling brand new Elites for wholesale prices.
Actually, the Diamond series from Mitsubishi is better than the Platinum. Not only a better exterior finish, but better lenses and screen. A 55" will run you anywhere from $3500-4500. I own one. But, I do agree that the Pioneer Elite is the best for the 5K price range. The difference between the Pioneer and the Mitsubishi are there, but not sure if worth the extra $1500-2000. For my money, the Mitsubishi was excellent.
i can get the pioneer elite pro 520 for $4k + $400 shipping. that's pretty good considering local retailer is asking $5400 but down to $4860 at best offer. after tax and delivery this is about $5200. i save $800 by going with the guy on audiogon. seems good, but does anyone know the difference between the 520 and 510? does anyone think it's worth it for the extra $$ to go pioneer elite vs mitsubishi? i've heard the pioneer has a much better line doubler when compared to the mits. any thoughts? baz