New dvd players without the chroma bug?

I am waiting to purchase a dvd player that does not have the chroma bug. I want something of quality, both in build, audio and video. Did anyone go to the electronics show recently? What is on the horizon for dvd players? I'll wait until I need to but am anxious. I won't be able to buy again for a long time, so am trying to be careful about my purchase. I can spend about a thousand bucks, but that is my limit. I need some help in making my choice. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Sorry to show my ignorance, but what is a "chroma bug"? Thanks in advance, fellow A'goners!
Wait for a player with the new Faroudja chip... they are only now starting to hit the street...
See the "secrets of home theatre" site for complete info on which players have it and which don't. Panasonic has a player that is $230 that has the Fafoudja chip. It is mentioned in the progressive-scan shootout results at the site.
This link explains the bug: