Classe vs Levinson

Umm, I was just wondering if anyone has had a chance to compare the Classe 401 with a Levinson 336. My speakers are B&W 802N with a Levinson 380S pre-amp and a Sonic Frontiers CD. Is the Levinson really worth the extra 3 Grand, taking the law of diminishing returns into account?
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They are both worth it. How's about letting your ears decide! Having owned both Classe and Levinson over the years and different models each with their own traits, good and bad. On one system I have Aerial 10t's. I was using Classe M-1000 monoblocks. Exciting sound, powerful but lacking microdynamics. I demo'd a 336. Big microdynamics, but bass was ill defined and overall sound was just too "polite" for my tastes. Demo'd 33H BINGO! Not as "exciting" as the M-1000's, Better microdynamics, less bass however the best mids and high-frequency I've ever heard.

Some folks like chocalate chip cookies, some want oreos. Same with amps. Demo the Classe and the Lev!

Good luck

I too have B&W 802N speakers, my amplifier is a Levinson 335 and the combination is superb! I also have a Classe amp in a second system and while good, it is not in the same league as the Levinson. You may want to consider a 335 (250 watts) as this offers more than enough power for your speakers and sounds identical to the 336. Before the 335, I briefly had a 334 (125 watts), and for 95% of the time, even this was sufficient. Good luck.
Well I own a 335 and I to agree that the 335 sound the same as the 336. The 336 just has more power. but you can run a 334, but I would buy either a 335 or a 333 both awesome.The 335 is more liquid sounding. Better bass control. As far as classe goes it great sounding gear but not in the big leages. As Levinson. As far as I am conscerned neither is krell Mark Levinson is much more musical than krell. Krell is very forceful sounding. The krell gear is very good though who Iam I fooling.. I just love the Levinson.
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I can't compare the Classe to the Levinson, but I am responding to Paul's M-1000 statement...

The CA line is a vast improvement over the M-1000's.
I had the M-1000's and demo-ed a CA-400 to compare.
The CA is much more musical.

I found the M-1000's to have what I'd call a British sound;
flat and neutral.
The CA is more American; full sounding midrange, terrific bass, involving.
Anthony Cordesman of The Absolute Sound wrote a great review of the CA-400 when he wrote for Audio. He replaced his M-1000's with it, as I did.

I am now running two bridged driving Shahinian Diapasons.

As for the CA-401, I haven't heard them but everyone (except for Robert Adams from Classe) says the difference between the 400 and 401 is minor.