hum in system, ground loon? 60hz?

I think I have what's called a groud loop hum. How do I get rid of it?
Thanks everyone for your advice. I did recently add video equipment. I'll start unplugging that first, then moving the cords around, I do have everything at 90 degree angles and about inch away from each other. If that doesn't do it, sounds like it's time to go from the amp backwards...THANKS!!!
Your problem is definitely not with the BAT equipment. It is most probably a ground loop. I had to put a cheater on one of my BAT amps and it solved it immediately. The BAT preamp and amp that you own are DEAD QUIET. All of your cables are excellent and should not be a problem.

Just in case you do not know what a cheater plug is, it is an adapter that has a female side that allows you to attach a three prong plug from your power cord, while the male side goes out with two prongs. It is also known as "floating the ground". They are somewhere around a buck to buy. Get a few of them as they are good to have around the house.

Let us know how well it works.
Jfrech: i think ya got it right in the title of your thread. it is a "ground loon" ( runnerup state bird of minnesota, after the mosquito). only thing to do is shoot it.
Ok Jtinn, some progress. I lifted the ground on the vk60 with a cheater plug. No change. Used a extension cord and plugged into a different circuit, with/with out cheater plug. No change. On a whim, I pulled the interconnects from preamp to amp. Hum doubled or tripled. Seems like it is in my amp now. Bad tubes? Old tubes? Something else in the amp? I've had the amp for just over a year now.
