high end progressive scan dvd player

i am looking for a high end progressive scan dvd player. i have done a lot of research and found that many have the chroma bug problem. can anyone suggest a quality player that doesn't have that problem. and is it really that big a problem in the first place. thanks for your help.

i use a mitsubishi rear projection if that matters.
If you don't care about DVD-Audio, jump on the first available used EAD TVP. it is by far the best progressive video player out there. It has the silicon chip which is one of the finest. EAD don't put it in there new DVD audio capable players and it's a shame.I own the TVP and it is stunning.
Check out the new Denon 1600 review over at Secrets HI-FI. They were the one's to first notice and define the chroma bug and they preatty much went go-go over this player. As far as comments about far and away this player is better than that player I find it very hard to make those comments if you haven't personally seen these players on the same compenents properly set-up and configured so that one can compare apples to apples. Hope that helps!!

I've got a Mitsubishi RP that is HD compatable and am using a Toshiba SD-5109 which, I beleive, was one of the first progressive scan players. *Picture quality is excellent.

Their newer (latest?) model 9200 can be had cheap here on audiogon.

*Note, I have not AB'ed this against any other unit in my home so therefore my opinion on picture quality is subjective.

I have seen Toshiba progressive scan players reviewed and they always seem to do well and extremely well when concidering cost to quality.

Good luck and enjoy your search.
It is expensive ($6000 retail), but be sure to add the Simaudio Stellar to your short list.
I use a Camelot Roundtable and love it. Besides being a top-notch progressive DVD player, its CD playing ability is even better! After comparing the sound quality of an older NAD transport (but a very good one) with digital out into a Theta TLC to re-clock the signal and then into a Cello 8.1 D/A converter, I kept the Camelot... Take a look at www.hometheaterhifi.com where they compared the vedio aspects of a number of DVD players. The Camelot as I recall was rated one of the best they had seen. Hope this helps!
Ken G.