Sony DVP-S9000ES vs DVP-NS999ES

I am in the midst of deciding whether to purchase a used DVP-S9000ES (now discontinued) or go with its replacement, the DVP-NS999ES. The latter has multichannel SACD playback which is of absolutely no interest to me (DVD video playback is the only consideration). So the question is: does the newer DVP-NS999ES offer any real improvement in video performance? The latest issue of TPV states that it offers "a host of new image-processing technologies", the most interesting of which is Precision Cinema Progressive. Isn't this circuit also part of the DVP-S9000ES? I have also considered the Pioneer Elite DVD players. Opinions please- thanks, Linc.
I just bought the Sony 9000 and tried out the Pioneer 47 (not ai) and I much preferred the Sony sound (even though the Pioneer was pleasent - just not nearly as detailed, dynamic or holographic) and the Pioneer clearly had a better picture on my HDTV thru the S video (less artifacts - really a nice picture).
Philojet- You said you preferred the Sony sound but the Pioneer had the better picture, yet you purchased the Sony. Don't you think that the component video would be preferable to the S-video connection? Also while I appreciate your opinion on sound quality, for DVD-V playback (DD, DTS tracks) I would think that most of us would use outboard processors, in which case it is difficult to render an opinion on sound quality referencing movie playback.
Linkster --

Can't give you a comparison, but I own the 9000ES, and I can tell you that, on the new "Attack of the Clones" DVD, the progressive scan picture on my 51" Sony digital widescreen set looked better than I recall the 35mm film looking in the theater . . . .
Images displayed on HDTV compatible widescreen sets (from DVD players ouputting 480p) are better than any film experience. That does not speak to the video quality of your 9000ES (as compared to other players with the ES designation or Pioneer Elite) however.
the 9000ES has component outs. Attack of the clones is probably one of the better transfers lately, since it was originally recorded on digital videotape, not film. I think overall it looks slightly soft and a bit too "fake". If you think 480p is better than film, then you haven't seen good film. (e.g. Quality 35mm or better yet, 70mm projection). As to 999 vs. 9000 - I think 999 is probably better on video, but 9000 has better build quality and probably better sound. For best of both worlds, get 999 for video and SACD XA777ES for audio.
