what power conditioner?

I would like to know what type of power conditioner do you guys recomend for a hometheater?What I have in mind to achive a better video quality and a better or sweeter sound, like more detail.also I would like to power my amp and surge protect my whole system.My system is the following.marting logan ascent front,theater center,aeon surrounds.B&k reference 7270 amp 200x7,reference 50 processor.mitsubishi hi-def tv.onkyo dvd player dv 939.monster cable M1000i rca interconect.

Equitech ET1.5Q , ET2Q, or higher depending on your total power needs. Very good for video quality as well as audio, provides balanced power and surge protection. Also designed to handle many components comfortably.
Depending on your budget, you might even consider one of their wall cabinet units to generate balanced power for the whole room.
Custom Power Cords Power Blocks and power cords. Two time winnner of T.A.S. Golden Ear awards, and rightly so! David Blair has introduced some new and upgraded products this year. Truly a "mad genious" of the power cord/line conditioner field!