Most reliable equipment manufacturers

I would like to know people's opinions as to which are the mist reliable manufacturers. In my book, reliability means: first and foremost, reliable and continued performance of the equipment over an extended period of time, but it also includes quality of workmanship, manuals/ease of use/design, shipping materials, upgradeability, customer service, choice of dealers, etc. For instance, in my experience I give Thiel an A rating, Sony a C.
Krell. Have owned several pieces over the past ten years and never have had a problem with reliability. Built like a tank. I have to laugh at those who think Krell is not Class A. They must have other equipment limiting the capability of Krell. It will reveal your weakest link quickly. As for Mac equipment, its butt ugly, colored sounding and all hype from the 60's...very old technology trying to ride on its history...kind of like Ford.
Actually my Adcom power amps just keep on going. And I have to disagree with Audionut, Mac amps are beauties.