Absolute Best power amp, tube ss

No assumptions. No conditions. No holds barred.
Current production only.
My vote: LAMM ML2 for tubes; PASS X1000 or Forsell Statement for ss.
My two cents are for SS the Spectral 360 Monos and the Jadis 800 for tubes.
For solid state, the best I've heard are the Levinson 33s; for tubes, a few--Jadis JA80s and JA200s (using Gold Lion KT88s); Lamm ML-1s and 2s; and the Audio Matiere Ultimas.
tube Conrad Johnson premier 8A. note the premier 12's were stereophile rated class A also, they are not in the same league as the 8's.
If your A LAMM fan check out Lars Fredell's review of the Aloia amp. It equalled his Lamm reference at one-tenth the cost.