the best use Subwoofer for under 1500

I want to get a good SUB for my HT& music. which one is the best use out there for under $1500. I listen to 50 for music and 50 for HT. Please helps me thanks a lot and have a nice day...
i would say for 1750 brand new the jm lab electra sw-900 is awsome. i am buying one myself. it uses the utopia 13 inch woofer in it. it is simply a gift at 1750. if you want one let me know. i am thinking of two, but it would probaly be a waste.
Sunfire True Sub MKII Rocks with music and rattles fillings loose with HT. Take some time to set it up properly and you wont be sorry.
There has been a great deal of discussion about subwoofers on this forum over the past 6-8 months. I suggest you search the Audiogon archives for the articles on subwoofer ratings by various audio mags, comments of users, etc.
For brand new I'd recommend a REL Stratus III if music comes first, or the Q150E if movies are more important. Both perform well in both modes; it is just that they are slightly better at one, more then the other, because of how they are designed.

If you are talking used, then step up to the REL Storm III (music first), or the REL Q201E (for movies first).

All REL's let you run separate HT and Audio connections at the same time. The REL subs switch to HT mode when they receive an HT signal from a receiver or HT decoder; otherwise they work in what you could call Audio mode. This is what makes them my first choice. They are also very musical.

I am somewhat suspicious of recommendations that are in audio publications. Many seem to be driven by the need to get manufacturers to advertise, more than helping you. It comes in two forms in my opinion. Those that recommend a whole line of only a few brands (those who also advertise); to ones that seem to recommend at least one model by every maker of subwoofers (make every company happy in hope of getting an ad). Happy Listening!!