Apple TV ethernet wired server

i tried asking this question to Apple Product support but I didn't receive a satisfactory answer. Perhaps someone here can help.
I've been impressed by the functionality of this device in my multichannel system and have been wondering about using it as a server when I digitalize the mass of my music collection in my two channel system.
My plan is to use the HDMI output of the ATV to a small flat screen and the digital output into my PSAudio Digital Link 3. music files stored on a Minimac or various MacBooks which would conected via ethernet, as will the ATV.
My question is whether the ATV will accept the music files via ethernet, or only by streaming. I would prefer the wired connection.
It is my understanding that once HDMI is connected on the AppleTV the digital out signal is nul -
if you don't hear any difference between an apple tv and your music server, then you need to work on your music server.
some of the reasons are:
* apple tv is only good for 16/44 files
* you are not running pure music or amarra on the server

if you stream music from a server that is running these 2 products, you have to turn off the program to send the data remotely to an apple tv (i think it is still this way). i'm not saying that you will get bad sound from an apple tv because you can take the signal and put in a jitter device and an external dac behind the apple tv and it will be better than without, but it will not be as good as what the server can produce. the other alternative is to get a used mac mini and connect that to the music server. this doesn't have the 16/44 limitation and pure music will allow sending the pure music read data to the external mac mini.
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I have my gen 1 ATV connected to my TV via HDMI and audio via toslink without any issues.