Not a question, but a revelation

I inserted the Synergistic Res. Ref. Mk. II (X Series) inteconnects in my system and was blown away by how good they sound. The width and depth of the soundstage was nothing short of mind blowing. I know the blue light is somewhat gimmicky; however, if that little light helps produce sound like this, I want one on all of my cables. I have auditioned a number of cables on my system, including reference level products from MIT, Nordost, Cardas and Kimber. In my opinion, the Res. Ref. blows them all away at a somewhat more reasonable price. The best part is that they are not even fully broken in.

Obviously, given the variety of systems and individual preferences, it is very difficult if not impossible to say that a particular cable is the absolute best. Nonetheless, for my system, I cannot imagine a cable sounding much better.

My system:
Wadia 850
Sony 333ES SACD Changer
Pass X-150
Cable all Syn. Res., speaker cable Res. Ref. .5 (X Series)
Hi T; that's been my experience too, and glad to see it's not just my imagination. I'm presently using the active shielded ICs from DAC to pre-amp and pre to amp (Lum. + Kal. X series). I power them with the MCC. Next step: active shielded spkr cables I think.

BTW, what do you think of the Pass X-150? Cheers. Craig