VPI HW19 MkIII vs. Michell Gyrodec?

Hi all, I've lurked around the forums here but never posted before. Now I have a question!

I'm looking to take my first real foray into the high-end by upgrading basically my whole system. I'm replacing an AR ES-1/Linn Basik/Aurum Beta and I've got it narrowed down to two 'tables. I'd love to hear what you think about each one, and which you'd buy if it was you:

VPI WH-19 MkIII with an AudioQuest PT-9+ and my Aurum Beta (I'll upgrade the cart later!)

or a Michell Gyrodec SE with the venerable RB300 and my Aurum Beta.

I've been able to audition the VPI locally and I definitely preferred to the Nottingham Interspace, plus I live in a loose bulding with plenty of vibration and NO possiblility of a wall shelf, so I need a competent suspension! However, I hear such GOOD things about the Gyro SE. Unfortunately, there isn't a Gyro even remotely close to me so I hear one.

What to do!?

My amp is a Conrad Johnson MV55, interconnect is Audioquest Viper and AQ Type6 speaker cables to Clements 107di's. I haven't yet bought a preamp but am looking at either the JJ 243 which has a nice tube phono stage, or a CJ PV10B with phono stage.

Thanks for any help!

I agreed a suspended table is harder to set up correctly. The Michell is "friendlier" than a Linn as far as set-up, but getting the suspension adjusted just right is still a bear, and does make a huge difference. For me, it was about as dramatic a difference as when you dial in the VTA of a cartridge just right. Not sure about the VPI, since I never owned a suspended VPI.


Here is non-official Michell set up guide maintained by Werner.


This will give you idea on how to set up Gyrodec/Orbe.

IMHO, VTA/VTF set up is much more involved than Gyrodec/Orbe turntable set up.

I won't argue with you 'cuz you've experienced what you have! Also, my objective was to educate Dirtyragamuffin rather argue with the members here.

Anyway, it seems that you are a better pro @ suspended TTs than I am. Terry (Tlh28) & myself seem to have very similar experiences per his latest post.

Several facts have revealed themselves & Dirtyragamuffin can make his choice.
I just wanted to clarify what has been stated. To be sure that Dirtyragamuffin and other Audiogon readers gets the correct facts.

Wall Shelf or solid stand is more essential to Non-Suspended turntable. Wall shelf or solid stand will benefit suspended turntable as well but not as much compared to Non-Suspended turntable. Airborn vibration will affect the non-suspended turntable much more so than it does to suspended turntable.

Suspended turntable may involve little more periodical adjustments compared to non-suspended turntable.
Thanks again everyone for the responses, I really do appreciate it and you've helped me get closer to my decision!

Given my circumstances, I think a suspended turntable would be right for me, and I still have it between the VPI and the Gyro, though my budget has changed slightly and I'll be looking for a used Gyro at this point, or failing that a new VPI as set up by my dealer.

I'd still love to hear any opinions on these 'tables! Sounds like a lot of folks consider them both good choices.