Best PreAmp with HT pass-thru?

Could use recommendations for a good preamp unit to take the next step up in 2 channel performance.Currently running an Arcam 7SE CDP into a B&K AVR202 reciever, to Odyssey Stratos monos, to Totem Forest floorstanders with SVS 25-31PC sub filling in the bottom. Monoblocks are still breaking-in but I already know the resolution produced from the B&K is lacking. Thinking of a unit in the 2k ballpark. Am a little leary of full passive pres for what I've read in possible diminished dynamics and ultimate loudness. (Totems are only 87 dB rated.) Ideas? Thanks all.
Vader007....! My BAT also have the same crackling noise when it's in HT pass through. I believe that when we use HT pass-through, the preamp is set to a very high volume thus make us here the noise from tubes. The noisy your tubes in music mode, the worst sound in HT pass-through.
Supakit, I dont get any noise in music mode? Do you own the SE version? I auditioned the Ref II, MKII that has the 6H30 tubes like the Bat SE stuff but I dont remember if I used the passthrough or not. Thanks for the feedback.....Vader