Lost in the Powercord Jungle

I am interested in upgrading my stock powercords and am totally confused by all the ads, claims and choices available. All the sales hype makes me sketical. I would like to ask my fellow Audiogner's what they might suggest for my system and any experiences they have had with thier powercords. I am searching for a more open sound with more dynamics and greater detal. My budget would need to be around $1.5k max per cord. I have the Mark Levinson Model 32 Reference preamp, Model 30.6 DAC, Model 31.5 Transport. My power amps are Krell FPB 350 MC monoblocks with hard wired cords. (should I change these out and have a 20amp EIC male socket installed to allow the use of an upgraded powercord?) Finally, all my speaker and I/C's are Transparent Reference XL and speakers are Dynaudio Temptations.

Thank you in advance for your input!

I agree with Tok. Jump in carefully. The original Synergistic Research AC Master Coupler is the powercord that kicked off the aftermarket power cord industry, and can be had for $125 on Audiogon. This is what I use in my system, and have felt no need to move to more costly PCs. The Master coupler has good resale value (getting from Audiogon what you paid to own from Audiogon), because it is a well recognized product.

One view of aftermarket power cords at this level: you are working to obtain matched quality end to end in your system, to eliminate potential weak links. Before you do the big bucks thing, you need to be certain that your system is sensitive enough to respond.
I tend to agree with the Cable co.Due to the fact that you can afford to spend as mentioned,it leaves the door open wider than for most.I would definately not gamble on other likes and dislikes,becuase what some one else likes you may not. Going the Cable company route in my mind makes the most sense.Good Luck
Jsteigert, I know Dan's system is sensative enough to respond by a long shot. He has some very nice pieces in his system. Just putting a great power cord on his ML transport would totally transform his system's sound (I have a friend with a ML transport, and he just got a Shark power cord that he is 100% ga ga over).


You do not need to spend $1500 per cord, IMO. Brands like Elrod, TG Audio, and Pure Note are excellent and affordable choices.
IMHO, as I stated on a recent thread here, I am very impressed with the Virtual Dynamics Nite. Everything you stated above that you're looking for-more open sound, dynamics and especially detail-all of these were increased with the Nite.
Virtual Dynamics has a try before you buy audition and I am not a dealer or associated with the company.
I simply like their product.
Good luck on your search!