Best Inexpensive Tuner?

I need a FM tuner for my home system, but don't want to shell out big bucks (more than $300, new or used). Can y'all suggest a few options?

Sugar, Don Scott knows whereof he speaks. He made my vintage accuphase 30 - 100% better in nearly all specified dimensions. It is dead quiet under no signal conditions and more dimensional than ever on live BSO broadcasts. I'm sure he could do the same for the Marantz unit.
Ivanj I agree. What I am saying is Don Scott already has some brand new Marantz ST6000 that he has already modified, which can be purchased right now. I think he wants about $450 for them. The stock unit sold for $300.

The HiFi Choice Best Buy review is at:
Note the Europe model reviewed has 3 frequency bands.