Please Help Can't get rid of radio station.

Please help. I just finished with some upgrades to my system which included tearing everything apart to install a custom Billy Bags rack, upgrading my turntable fom the VPI HWmkIII to the mkIV, and installing a new Shelter 901 cartridge. I was just getting ready to listen to the new TT upgrades when I noticed one of the local oldies stations coming out of both speakers. My power is clean since it comes from a PS Audio Power Plant. I never had the problem before. Is there something wrong with the cartridge or it's connections? This radio station must have a broadcast tower nearby or is blasting mega-wattage since it can be tuned in on any radio in about 10 places on the dial. I live in a relatively rural area with no hills, so multipath is not the issue. Also, when I talk on the phone, I can hear the same station on the phone line. In the four years I've lived in this house, I've never heard the radio station coming from my system (unless I've deliberately tuned it in on the tuner). My tuner is turned off and I can hear the radio playing. I only hear the radio when the preamp is set to "phono". Does this have anything to do with using a low output moving coil? My prior cartridge was a high output model (2.0 mV) Could the new Billy Bags rack be the culprit? The old stand was a Skylan made of MDF. The Billy Bags is metal. Is it possible it is acting like an antenna?

Thanks for your help!
I believe I've traced the problem to the cartidge. When I disconnected the phono cable it got rid of the radio station. I reconnected it and the station was back. I then looked at the cartridge. When I touched the cartidge body, and even more so, when I put my hand over the cartidge body, the volume of the radio sound decreased significantly. It appears that the Shelter 901 is acting like an antenna picking up this radio station that is blasting its signal. Am I SOL with this cartidge? Is there a fix?
almost certain 99% the issue is your cartridge. I beleive it isn't so much the type of cartridge, but where you live. you may be near a comunications tower. the issue occurs with Mc for sure, I bought a MED Output Sumiko SHO (2.5 mv) from another member her in NY for the same reasons. Over here in CA, i use the SHO w.o problems....

you may want to pick up an old inexpensive MM or if you have an old cartridge laying around, try adding it to the system to see what happens
Thanks for the response, Justlisten. I had a metal bodied Sumiko Alchemist IIb with 2.0 mV output and had no RFI problems. I think the Shelter may have a plastic body which won't shield it from RFI.

This is very disappointing to hear that I just spent all of that money for a cartridge that I can't use only because of where I live.