How Good is Walker Extreme SST Contact Enhancer

I have used both the Walker SST (not Extreme) and CAIG Pro Gold, and I have not found any appreciable difference between the sonic benefits offered by both products. The CAIG Pro Gold increased clarity and focus. The Walker SST did the same, but for considerably more money. Also, I found the Walker SST dried and flaked, which raised some concerns about applying it to tube pins...I didn't want to muck up the tube sockets with flaked silver compound.
I've used both regular SST and then Extreme SST. Both make a substantial improvement in clarity and resolution, and both are far superior to any other contact enhancer I've every tried. You may also experience a few db of increased volume/efficiency in your system depending on where you've applied the SST.

I previously posted on Audiogon about my experience with Extreme SST after having used the original. Listed at the end of my earlier post are links to recent comments and awards from various online audio magazines that you might look at.

You have nothing to lose except shipping costs to try it in your system. Walker Audio offers a 30-day money back guarantee if it doesn't work for you.

Just remember that it takes a while to break-in, so give your system some playing time before you try to critically evaluate the results: about an hour for tube pins and power cords, about 5 hours for line level interconnects and speaker cables, and about 20 hours for phono cartridge pins and phono cables. And, follow the instructions for applying it! You only need to paint on a very thin coating, it should not be applied like a paste.
I've always used and loved Kontak. Has anyone compared it to the Caig or Walker?
Suttlaw, I've used Kontak in the past, and liked it, but it doesn't come close to delivering what the Walker Audio SST provides in terms of improved system resolution and clarity. And I'd been using Caig Gold just before I tried the original SST: the SST is simply superior, and the Extreme SST is even better.
I disagree that Walker SST is simply superior to CAIG Pro Gold. Different
people hear things differently, I suppose. My ears are pretty damn good,
but not good enough to justify the added expense of the Walker
products. No offense Rushton.