Best sounding CD player for 6,000.

Looking for the best sounding cd player for 6,000 or less. Main interest is redbood cd's.
Mark Levinson 390s for CD only. If you want SACD also, I second the Sony SCD-1.
I would have nominated the Levinson 39, but I hear the 390S is definitely even better (I haven't heard it yet though). Craig
I have the Krell KPS-28c, and it's a terrific cd player. You should check it out for comparison. In the end, sonic beauty is in the ear of the listener....
There are a lot of good choices here. I use the Electrocompaniet player with a Kora Hermes tube DAC. Together they can be bought for under your budget. The EC is a top loader with less moving parts and is a great stand alone but an even better transport. Both are built extremely solid and blend well together in the looks department.