Best sounding CD player for 6,000.

Looking for the best sounding cd player for 6,000 or less. Main interest is redbood cd's.
I would have nominated the Levinson 39, but I hear the 390S is definitely even better (I haven't heard it yet though). Craig
I have the Krell KPS-28c, and it's a terrific cd player. You should check it out for comparison. In the end, sonic beauty is in the ear of the listener....
There are a lot of good choices here. I use the Electrocompaniet player with a Kora Hermes tube DAC. Together they can be bought for under your budget. The EC is a top loader with less moving parts and is a great stand alone but an even better transport. Both are built extremely solid and blend well together in the looks department.
I agree with all above, also add the DCS Delius plus transort to your list. Several around 4K, plus transport...