Best CD player

I'm building a system and looking for recommendations on a used CD player. I have a budget up to $4,000. Also your cable recommendation please.

Vandersteen 5 speaker
Placette active preamp
Bat VK500 amp

Thanks Joe
I like the Levinson 39/390S, but right now it seems that the Aero Capitole is THE hot CD player-- haven't heard it myself. Great choice of speakers Jw;>)-- I use Syn. Res. spkr cables and ICs with mine. Cheers. Craig
So many people that i respect have said such good things about the Audio Aero Capitole that it HAS to be good. Other than that, the Electrocompaniet is a very nice sounding unit. The earlier non 24/192 EC-1 smoked the SCD-1 in a head to head comparison in my opinion. Not even close. The salesman that was demoing both units also agreed wholeheartedly. Sean
Sell your preamp, get a used Audio Aero Capitole here on Audiogon for $4000.

Don't count out WADIA! There is a lot of hype about Mephisto and Capitole at the moment. Not too many people have even auditioned them because they are so rarely to be seen. Sure they are excellent players but Wadia is a rock in digital research since the beginning and their players are heavily reliable and extremely musical.
Good luck!
Aida_w- Could you share with us what you felt to be the differences between the mephisto II, Wadia and capitole? It strikes me as odd, because most who hear either player(capitole or mephisto) end up getting one. Also for the price of Wadia digital there are far to many for sale at any given time-makes me wonder; but we all listen and want different things from our systems-an audio melting pot here at audiogon!