VH Audio, Ridge St Audio or Audience Au24 XLRs?

I am in the market for 2 pairs or .5 to 1 meter balanced interconnects to go between an Esoteric DV50/ Pass X-1/ Blue Circle BC 26MKII power amp.

I have rented cables from the Cable Company- including the Au24's but I was not able to get a sample of the Ridge St or VH Audio Pulsar w/o buying them.

I like a detailed yet accurate sound. I am not looking for tone controls. Has anyone compared these 3 cables? If so how would you stack rank the cables?

Thank you in advance
Again, having recently gone down this IC path, and trying these three interconnects, I can only advise the following:

Try them for yourself!

If you notice, there are several members who have tried all three, and have decided differently on what they want in their system. Since all three are excellent cables, the only explanation for the different choices is a difference in personal taste. To rate one over the other is like saying Hagan Dass vanilla is better than their chocolate.


So taste them. Enjoy the process (Chris and Robert are outstanding to deal with). And decide then.

Im in with Lak here...Ive demo'd and tried many cables and ultimately stopped the merry go round when I landed on the Ridge Streets. I honestly did not try the other cables mentioned, so I cant help in comparison, but can wholeheartedly and unequivically recommend the RSA Poiema's or MSE GenII's.Detail without etch, great bass and soundstage depth and especially width across the stage.
Mprime, your post echoes my original post at the top of the thread. I'm hesitant these days to recommend any one cable, because my experience comparing interconnects (all highly recommended by other Audiogon members) led me to the conclusion that wire is completely system dependent, and even when you think you've found the best choice for your system, curiosity kicks in and you wind up trying something new anyway. Only after some trial and error will you find the ideal cable for your system, and in my case the ideal is actually a combination of cables.

That's why I try to only offer a choice. However, people take umbrage at the hesitancy to narrow a choice to one, or to rank cables from best to worst. This is an unwinnable task, and in my opinion does a disservice to the person seeking the answer.