Sacd / Dvda universal players

I have been looking to get a universal player these are the following I know about that are out or are coming out. Does anyone know of any I am missing or have any opinions or information about them

Yamaha DVD-S2300 MSRP 1000.00
Onkyo DV-SP800 MSRP 800.00
Marantz DV8300 MSRP 1499.00
Pioneer 47Ai MSRP 1200.00
Denon DVD-2900 MSRP 999.00
Integra DPS 8.3 MSRP 1200.00

Audiophile Reference Class:

Denon DVD-9000 MSRP 3495.00
Lexicon RT-10 MSRP 3495.00
Teac esoteric 50 MSRP 5500.00
Muse model 10
McCormack audio udp-1 est 3495.00
Msb Technology MSRP 7995.00 this is also a preamp/processor
Bel Canto est 8-10K
Linn Unidisk est 8-11K
I am inclined towards the two box solution. High def. video recorders/players are just around the corner. A good SACD/CD player now and a DVD-A/highrez DVD player tommorow is my gameplan.
Dtf...Nine to hear a good word about Pioneer players. My first player, a DV-45A, is almost identical to the DV-47A with regard to audio.

I gather from other threads that most players offer only one subwoofer crossover frequency. That's the story with my recently acquired 3X cost Denon 2900. The Pioneer offers 40, 60 80, 100 Hz crossover options. In many functional areas the Pioneer is superior (and the sound aint bad either).
well I went for the phillips dvd 963a. It was/is a fine piece of gear. But then I went all out for a Linn unidisk and it is flat out amazing.
I would go in this order by price
Yamaha DVD-S2300
Pioneer 47Ai
Teac esoteric 50
Linn unidisk 1.1
nice to see my post again.
I am still in burning process with my Primare DVD30 universal player,hoping to get promising result on the part of sacd
however I have coupled it with my Chord Dac64 for the redbook
cds hoping its transport section will reach my existing Vecteur L4,2 players transport success.
The most important aspect for choosing this player is it has
balanced analog outs,it has passed 100 hours for burning yet.