The most detailed speaker cable??

Hello All,
I would like some help in chosing a new set of very detailed speaker cables. I want something that is I guess on the bright side. I have used so far... AZ satoris,AZ holograms, Nordost red dawns, AQ bedrocks, kimber 4tc just to name a few. So please help in my search based on your experience with speaker cables.
Rsbeck's points are well-taken, as is Tvad's affection for Rsbeck's way of thinking. In my experience, however, going from copper to silver actually unveiled the mids and highs, making what had previously sounded vague and concealed now detailed and present. Of course, the cables don't put anything in the mix that isn't already there. I think Elizabeth said it once, that silver just tends to let through the frequencies that make some people believe it sounds bright, when it is simply being transparent. Sorry if I've misquoted her, but it helps me make my point and ultimately what else is there, huh?

I don't have THE answer, only the one that worked for me thus far. Why not buy some cables used, and if they don't get you the result you want, re-sell them at no loss to you save a bit of your time?
As you can see, many choices. How much time do you have to audition various brands as this will be the only way you will know which works best for you? I replaced my AZ Holograms with Pure Note Paragon but once broken in these cables are not bright or etched, just plain musical.
I think too often people listen to detailed cables and immediately label them "bright" without listening closer. A detailed cable is one that preserves the signal fed to it. The same cables able to properly convey chimes or the brush of a cymbal is also more likely to be able to convey the pitch resolution of an acoustic bass or a piano note as it decays within body of the piano. Timbre will also be improved in these systems because timbre is directly related to reproduction of harmonics and high-freq extension. A cable that rolls off the high-freq extension too soon will never be able get the timbre right.

One other thing to look at is shielding. If your system is in a high emi/rfi environment then shielding will lower the noise floor help in preserving those tiny details. Thereby extending note decay and etc.

My cables are Pure Note Epsilon Reference or Signature or whatever. I'm not a hard-core cable junkie but they definitely make a big difference.
Thank you all for your help. I am going to call the cable company on Monday and try some of the suggestions. I will let you know how it works out.
Thanks again