The most detailed speaker cable??

Hello All,
I would like some help in chosing a new set of very detailed speaker cables. I want something that is I guess on the bright side. I have used so far... AZ satoris,AZ holograms, Nordost red dawns, AQ bedrocks, kimber 4tc just to name a few. So please help in my search based on your experience with speaker cables.
Talon: While cost may not be an object to Rsbeck, he refuses to listen for himself and draw his own conclusions, even if it costs him nothing to do so. Instead, he chooses to regurgitate the "hype" that he has been fed by various cable naysayers based on poorly conducted and less than thorough tests. In effect, his responses may come across as both sensible and reasonable in approach, but his actions speak louder than his words. Sean
That's the thread where Sean claimed he could hear the difference between
flat and .1db down at 20Khz. Sorry, but this is *exactly* the type of thing
that comes with the cable phenomenon.

I'm supposed to trade in my cables because they're .088 db down at 20 Khz
when driven into a 4 Ohm load?

Let's join the real world.

"The psycho-acoustic data shows that for pure tones at 16kHz the smallest
average detectable difference in level is 3.05 dB. The findings were based on
individuals 20 to 24 years old that had normal hearing to 20 kHz." -- Audio,
July 1994

.1 db down at 20Khz is inaudible, folks.

Anyone basing any theory on the notion that he/she can hear this as an
audible "roll-off" has already lost my attention

Ooops -- Sean won't take a test to prove this amazing hearing acuity?

Wow -- what a surprise!

Exactly what I would expect.

Come on, folks, if your BS meter isn't redlining by now, you need to have it

What are the properties of the new cable he suggests?

How does it solve this non-existant problem?

Who knows?

How *does* one solve a non-existant problem?

This is exactly what I am talking about.

I think we can do better, folks.
How *does* one solve a non-existant problem
I'd start by being adventurous: bypass the IC connectors and hard-wire b/ween components. Not easy to do when using expensive commercial equipment, I know!
After it's not only the wire that's conducting it's the connectors too: the wire carries what it gets from source connection and the load gets whatever's there after the destination connection.
It looks like this thread took a big turn and went south. Instead of reading analytic white papers, I'd suggest one listens with thier own ears. After all, isn't that what we do... listen? When mariners first set out to sea, people said that they would fall off the edge of the world. It was flat. Why? It was proven, scientific knowledge at that time. And it sure looked convincing on parchment. Well, guess what the earth's round. Listen, listen, listen... Oh yeah... listen. Happy trails, all!
I never asked you to trade in your cables or that i could hear the difference between -.1 dB down at 20 KHz and a flat response. Both of those are false statements that you use to divert attention away from the real facts of the matter.

I simply asked you to listen to some cables within the confines of your system and see if you heard a difference. If you can honestly hear a difference, those differences have to be measurable using the proper tools and test methodology. As i pointed out in that other thread and explained why, ABX tests are flawed. The same tools that could be used to demonstrate that ABX boxes alter the electrical signal that is fed into the speakers is the same device that will show that speaker cables alter the load that the amp responds to and that is fed into the speakers. The fact that you are afraid to perform such a simple test as swapping one high impedance speaker cable for another high impedance speaker cable while you continue to spout the same rhetoric only lessens your credibility.

Eldartford is both an engineer and a cable skeptic, yet he's open minded enough to try such a test. Are you afraid you might actually hear a difference and have to change your mind? If you have such faith in your "cable convictions", here's your chance to prove it to yourself. Sean