The most detailed speaker cable??

Hello All,
I would like some help in chosing a new set of very detailed speaker cables. I want something that is I guess on the bright side. I have used so far... AZ satoris,AZ holograms, Nordost red dawns, AQ bedrocks, kimber 4tc just to name a few. So please help in my search based on your experience with speaker cables.
Rsbeck, Your point two is incorrect. My listening partner can hear the difference between flat and .088 db down @ 20Khz. Click on my system and scroll down to the last tweak for a look at my listening partner. He also works cheap!
I bet his hearing is even better than over 20khz!

Boa2 -- good call on the Aquatimer, that movement is a beast. You're right, there is something to the lux goods thing. Still, I'm pretty damn happy with my cheapo cord...!
Boa2 -- if you're into wine, I can do better than Chianti. I'm looking forward to hearing your system!
If you can believe it, a friend of mine has the Destriero Scafusia in rose gold. Now there's a Picasso for your wrist!
And I say, whatever makes you happy is a good thing. I only wish that Top Ramen was a viable substitute for my sushi cravings. It would save me a lot of $$$.

It will be fun. I'll leave the caliber of wine up to you.
Everyone have a good weekend,