N802 speaker cable suggestion

thank you in advance for your suggestions:
i am currently running my N802 with:
rotel 1095
rotel 1066
planet 2000
AU24 ICs thru out
Tara Labs RSC prime 500 speaker cables
RGPC 600

i am in the process of upgrading the pre and amp in a next few months to MAC 352 and C42, thus, need your suggestions for a long term speaker cables. I really like the Au24 ICs, wondering if it is a good idea/match to use the au24 speaker cables. Thanks again, Ken
another thing to mention is that Audience, even with B&W Nautilus speakers, recommends single run and not the bi-wire. I never tried the AU24 speaker cables so I wouldn't know, but what I do know is that any cable I tried with these speakers that wasn't a bi-wire cable did not sound good. So you may want to ignore their suggestion or get both sets and send back the one you like the least.
Gotta agree with the last caller. My N802s really liked it when they were treated to biwires. It sounded a little like I had just added a better and more powerful amp.
I'm bi-wiring my N802's with AZ Satori on bottom and Hologram II on top and very pleased with the combination...FWIW
I wouldn't think Audience speaker cables would make a good combo with
N802's. N802's like lots of power. Audience speaker cables are based on the
questionable notion that thinner gauged cables sound best. It's pretty basic
-- you're going to suffer higher resistance with thinner gauged cables, which
means you're going to lose signal over the audio band. I would use
something much lower gauged, which is probably why Arthur has had such
good luck bi-wiring with the Sartori and Hologram. That's a lot of cumulative
gauge -- he's reduced resistance to a complete non-issue. Not saying you
have to go to that expense -- you might try other lower cost, lower gauged
cables first.
Audphile - I've been auditioning speaker cable through the Cable Company recently and I can tell you its the ONLY way to audition cable. After reading tons on these forums, I figured the Cardas line was the one for me. When Cable Co actually sent me the big box of cables, I discovered that the Cardas didn't work well in my system at all, and the best sounding was a brand I never even heard of before (Purist Audio).

As for the B&W's, I owned a number of them (especially the Matrix series) and can tell you the B&W's as a line just seem to demand biwiring to sound their best. I wouldn't even consider single wiring them.