Is there a cable that can warm up my sound?

I just attached a new DAC1 to my system and the detail is great, but it is now very bright. I am using a Pioneer 525 as the transport. I am using a cheap Digital Monster cable. Can anyone recommend anything?
You should try JPS Labs digital IC's. In my system it was very warm with excellent bass.

I will bet you money that the brightness is your speakers. That combo is not bright and a new digital cable is not the answer, either. Nor is a new power cord. You are working from the wrong side of the fence, old buddy.

Charlie, my speakers are B&W, DM602 monitors and to be honest, I can't say they have been the tops in warmth. I am thinking that the upgrade of DAC might have brought the brightest to a new high.

Something may be off with the DAC. I have owned the 1.0 and 1.1 versions and neither could be considered bright sounding (compared to anything else that I have heard, just the opposite).

I am also familar with your speakers and they are not the culprit either, IMO.

If you want even a softer sound then try using a TOS Link cable with the 525 (granted that you are currently using an RCA cable).

Try a Toslink.. I tried both on mine and ended up with
the Toslink. I dont ever remember it being overly bright
but the toslink does sound better on mine.

Also i recently upgraded PWR cord with a recomendation from Bel Canto and it made a huge difference i still cant believe It.

Good luck...