Is there a cable that can warm up my sound?

I just attached a new DAC1 to my system and the detail is great, but it is now very bright. I am using a Pioneer 525 as the transport. I am using a cheap Digital Monster cable. Can anyone recommend anything?
Maybe try a Neuance iso/absord shelf under the transport. Does wonders for tightening the upper harminic presentation so that the brightness isn't prominent because it's more coherent. Swimmier suspensions like air cushions or pds might make it worse due to smearing effects. Check out sidewall first reflections, toe-in, as well. If necessary get a Cardas or MIT. As a last resort lose the cheap DVD and get a nice cheap NAD C541i for $500 and get on with it.
Good luck.
Try a run of Audioquest Ruby interconnect. No longer manufactured but sells for around $50/meter used (was $120/meter new). Exceptionally smooth. If you can spend more try Cardas Cross, or Golden Cross. The GC is more transparent than Ruby, sounds more natural. But the Ruby is a better value, imo.
Cardas Golden Cross - nice neutrality and warmth

Golden Reference too revealing