Is anyone aware of any digital equipment that can compete with EMM Labs? What about Redbook?
Interestingly enough Norm is the only person that I am aware of that has has all the major CD/SACD contenders in his system at one time or another, most recently the Accustic Arts Drive 1, the Lindemann d680 and the Meitner. He has also tried many of the price is no object power cords and AC line filters. The problem with any comparison is that each of these units a well as the AudioNote and Zanden is very sensitive to AC and mechanical vibration. In the case of the Lindemann, the performance is highly dependent on the power cord, AC line filter and vibration control used and can vary greatly depending on these variables. Hopefully Norm will speak to what he has found works optimally for the Meitner and the Lindemann and how they compare in various areas.
I would long ago had much to say except for the fact that the Phillips crashed. It is not covered under warranty by EMM and I an not certain that Phillips knows how to repair them.

The one thing that is positive out of this is that I further appreciate how good and reliable the Lindemann is. I am not suffering much.
"I would long ago had much to say except for the fact that the Phillips crashed. It is not covered under warranty by EMM and I an not certain that Phillips knows how to repair them"

Have you seen the marathon of threads on Audio Asylum's Hi Rez Highway about the problems with the SACD 1000? Apparently someone has figured out what the problem is and how to fix it, as the SACD 1000 posts simply litter that forum to no end.

Could Meitner have possibly picked a worse transport?
Jposs: In some ways, you are absolutely correct. The reliability of the transport mechanism is quite suspect, but I am sure it will be worked out. On the other hand, sonically it is terrific. It is far better sounding than any of the Sony mechanism's.
I can not attest to its sonics as I have never heard it. And I will not take your last sentence as an affront to my tastes. However I would be hesitant to drop 10k on a digital playback system that has so many widely known problems.

Is it that difficult to modify another transport that is more reliable to work with the Meitner DAC? I really have no idea.