Is anyone aware of any digital equipment that can compete with EMM Labs? What about Redbook?
I think Ed Meitner was quite impressed with the Phillips 1000 and the possibility of room to install his conversion board and outputs. He did not know the future of the 1000. I do not think anyone would have expected the failures of the 1000 as I know of no other such instance. I do concede, however, that having bought the DAC6 and experienced a failure of my 1000, I wonder about the wisdom of depending on this transport, even if Alex has found a fix.
I also have a Lindemann which has proven entirely dependable and excellent sounding. In a comparison with the Phillips 1000 before I got my Meitner, I could certainly hear a difference between the units, but could not decide which was superior.
Jposs: You are partially mistaken. Any transport can be used with the EMM Labs DAC 6 or DCC 2, for CD playback, as long as it has a AES/EBU connection. For SACD playback, the modified Philips or EMM Labs soon to be released transport are the only choices.

I think most of those who have purchased the EMM Labs DACs, have done so for it's virtues of CD playback. SACD is the bonus.

I would also still disagree with your terminology of "poor choice" in relationship to the Philips. Sonically, I have not heard a better SACD / CD mechanism. Those who wish to pay for a new mechanism, can do so and will not have the same potential problem. It is not a lot of money in terms of the big picture.

I would love for you to hear the combo. I am sure you will understand why most people, even with the knowledge of the existing problems with the drive are continuing to purchase and request the modification.

Tireguy is correct with regards to the original pricing of the Philips, but most of those who have purchased the player for modification have not paid more than $600 (player)plus the $1050 (modification). The new price for modification is $1400 which automatically includes the new mechanism and comes with an EMM Labs warranty. There is no profit in the new pricing and as a matter of fact, it is more of a loss than anything else as there is more labor involved.

Tbg: The break-in period for the DAC and transport is around 400 - 500 hours. They go through a lot of changes and I am sure you will be very surprised at the difference between what you heard in the short time you were able to listen and once it is broken in. Some have reported a horribly bright, etched and closed sound at first and nirvanna after continued use.
I just saw the list of Best Sound rooms at the San Francisco show. (attendees' votes) I see a few other digital sources mentioned in the best rooms, but I don't see EMM mentioned anywhere...? Was EMM in any of the 28 rooms mentioned?
Kharma 3.2 / Tenor OTL
Kharma MidiGrands / Tenor Hybrids
Kimber Room