Good sounding carrousel cd player??

For three years I have had an inexpensive Sony 200 disk player. Love the convenience but want better sound.
Do they have a good Carrousel player out there for under a thousand bucks?
Saw an add for the Sony DVP-cx777es, looks great but does it sound any good?
I heard an Adcom changer with a Bel Canto DAC, through a very nice system (Sonic Frontiers and B&W N802). It was awful. Not that it made any ugly noises, it was just boring and non-musical. Changing to an Anthem CD-1 showed an immense improvement in every way; detail, soundstage and especially musicality. If I wanted a changer, that's what I'd get. A good DAC won't save a mediocre carousel.

One thing that can be said is that I haven't seen too many of the Anthem's come onto the 'goN. I'm looking though, just in case I find one. Your points are echoed elsewhere. The issue of musicality and soundstage are near and dear to my heart and thus it gives me pause to look for anything different. I'd post a wanted but there's a guy in Canada with one out there and he hasn't gotten a response. We'll see what turns.

I have a Cal Labs CLD-10 and had no problems with it at all. It was such of an improvement over my other 5 disk player that I ended up giving my Sony ES player to my buddy. There are still 2 places for repair for Cal Labs gear and parts are available.