CDP - running only one channel, can this damage?

I have a Wadia CDP driving my amps directly. One of my mono's is temporarily out of service. I want to get some music, would it hurt my Wadia to run just the left or right XLR to the one amp, and leave the other side disconnected?

Herman and Sean,
Thank you both for your input. With gear that has xlr and rca outputs, I wonder if the two unused are "active" while the other two are in use? If so, I wonder to be safe, if it would not be prudent to put a dummy load on the unused, same things with amps. I suppose it depends on the design of the make and manufacturer. I will send an email to Wadia and see what they have to say; there was nothing in their manual. Thanks again, Jim
Hi All,

I spoke with John at Wadia. We are ALL CORRECT. He said there would be no issue with running one channel. And further suggested to not put a dummy load on the un-used side. However, IF dummy loaded PROPERLY, that would be no issue, but not necessary, so don't risk it. I did not ask what proper dummy loading would be. Also, all four outputs are "buffered" ??? for the same load - I probably am relaying this incorrectly, but that you can actually use all four at once.

Thanks again for everyone's thoughtful ideas and insights,
Of course, that assumes that John is correct. I guess I need to understand a little more about my equipment and electronic principles. If I was unable to get through to Wadia (they called back), I probably would have investigated dummy loading. FWIW, for those folks reading this in this archives, who are looking for input on running a single channel from their CDP, I would get in touch the manufacturer, and if unreachable, investigate a dummy load to be safe (but make sure it's done correctly). I wasn't so confident that Wadia would get back to me as quickly as they did; This has not always been my experience.

Thanks again,
