Chinese CD players vs. Arcam

i am wanting to buy a Arcam 73T cd player, but was wondering how these chinese players compete. mainly the Consonance, Cayin, Eastern Electric.

any comments appreciated
They should compete very well since most of the stuff is made by people employed at near slave wages. Since they are not much cheaper than American or UK made gear we have to wonder who in the company is gouging the consumer. Chinese gear should cost about half, or less than well made gear, where the company actually pays the employees a living wage.
well i realize almost everything is made in China, but referring these newer companies coming directly out of China, as Arcam is UK based.
Lant5 - do you have proof of this? Last time I looked the 73t was made in the UK in Arcam's dedicated factory.
Not confusing Arcam with Cambridge Audio ?
Last I knew htere were only 2 major Cos into CDP\DVDP's and that was Sony & Philips. Now there are the Tiawanese and Chinese also.

As for China you need to be selective as to what comes from China as it is either hit or miss. You have to consider what type of sound we like or preser in the west also. While the Brits favor a different sound then the americans also.

I'm not sure why anyone would buy a budget CD player outside of the Music Hall MMF25 CD player. Competes with most players out in the market as things are.