Mark Levinson 390S or Resolution Audio Opus 21

I know their is a big price difference, but has anyone done a shoot out between these two?
I sold my Wadia 270/27ix and kept the 390S Levinson.

Your mileage may vary. CD player's sound all boils down to personal preference. I could not justify keeping the Wadias after listening to the 390S.


Paul :-)
I owned both for over a year, the 390S in my primary system and the Opus in a second system. I could not justify keeping two such expensive players so I sold one. I kept the 390S. While the Opus 21 is very good, the 390S is clearly superior in an A B comparison. Whether or not it's worth twice as much as the Opus, that's a question you need to answer. For me, it was.
Don't know Resolution Opus.I own MLevinson 37/36s.From the ML stable also consider this.31.5/31 with 30.6/30.5/360s.Look for it used,otherwise way to expensive.Even 31.5/31 with 36/36s should be a very serious CD playback system.
I bought my 37/36s used.Well worth considering to buy used-huge savings but need to be patient.
Use Madrigal MBC 1 AES/EBU between 37and 36s.
Also Audio Aero Capitole MK2 worth considering.
Good Luck
Blue Bull
Resolution Opus 21 tested in this months Hi Fi News(UK).So so review.Check it out,good luck